Have you also of late notice tiny little pearly white papules on your penis? Are you disturbed by the sudden appearance of these? Is the though of these being a cancer troubling you a lot? Relax, and see a doctor as these might just be penile pearly papules!
Known as hirsuties papillaris genitalis scientifically, penile pearly papules are tiny white spots that develop on the penis of males. People often mistake these to be cancerous lesions of even a sexually transmitted disease, however, these are not really as harmful. But, despite being mild and easily treatable, they look ugly and might give a diseased look to your partner.
On the other hand, it is also very embarrassing for the person himself! People often look to find a treatment for pearly penile papules and fall prey to the false claims of many drugs that promise to deliver a permanent cure. However, one should never believe these for there is no drug that can cure penile pearly papules.
In most of the cases, the penile pearly papules go away by themselves. But there is always a chance of the reappearance. More dangerous is the fact that the next time, the problem might grow bigger!
In an attempt to get rid of penile pearly papules, people often pick up the best lotions and pills available in the market. Wart removal products and drugs as a solution to these problems are not as effective.
Irritated by the reappearance or persistence of these pink spots, people also try to scrap them off. It is generally advised not to attempt this because it can further aggravate the situation. This can leave permanent scars on the penis and result in infections too.
Various medical treatments can be tried to cure penile pearly papules. Some of the best known treatments are Cryotherapy, Excisional surgery and the use of carbon dioxide Laser Ablation. The recovery process however, varies from person to person.